On my Nordic biking adventure I’ve been listening to A LOT of Radiolab - I also learnt how to fish!
This particular episode Thrill Of Discovery got me thinking about comedy.
In one of the segments there’s a former scientist called Alan Lightman. He was working on a paper about how globs of stars hang together, and to his horror he realises these other Japanese scientists had already solved the same problem and had exactly the same results, because science.
The tragedy of this, which I felt at the same time is that, what is the relevance of me as an individual person? If anybody else could have solved the same problem, then why was I needed? What is the meaning of my life? How do I leave my individuality on the world? Certainly not through scienceBEING A HACK.
So long story short, he gave up science and became a Pulitzer prize winning novelist, it’s that easy folks!
In a lot of “how to be a stand-up” books and articles, they have this formulaic approach to joke writing which will only lead you to write jokes that have already been written.
How can I be super original 100% of the time?
Jeez I mean that is also impossible. With all the comedy that’s already been written I think with all best intentions you’re going to stumble into ideas that have already been done. The best you can do is:
Follow every thread and angle your dumb brain points you at. Let it lead you around like a toddler in a toy store.
Write about your obsessions no matter how irrelevant or dated they might be.
DO NOT try and write “jokes”. Don’t do hacky setups like “Dating is like pineapple chunks..” or whatever. Actually do that, it’s absurd. But… you know what I mean.
Pay attention to those funny weird things that bounce around in your head. Go on a long walk or bike ride or something and just be weird and see what comes out.
Remember: If it’s funny and relevant and important to you, it’s funny and relevant to other people. In fact the more you think it’s not relevant to other people, the more specific and interesting the idea probably us. And damn them if it isn’t - they’re wrong, you’re the comic remember - they’re just a bunch of NOTHINGS. Oh scary, where did that come from?
Don’t stop at the first funny thing, the first funny thing is just the beginning of the joke not the end.
I’m back(on Sunday) baybee!
Online comedy coaching
I do 1 on 1 classes and coaching sessions for stand-up comedians - Email
Teaching plugs Berlin
My Aug/Sep in-person beginner’s classes are sold out - But join a waiting list or the Telegram group to find out about the next ones - Link
World Wide Web Plugs
Berlin Stand-Up School - berlinstandupschool.com
Linktree - carolineclifford.com
Now I want a punchline for “dating is like pineapple chunks”
dear caroline,
great piece as always!
here are some of my favorite parts from today:
"Pay attention to those funny weird things that bounce around in your head."
(i'll add that even if they're not BOUNCING, it could be good to pay attention to them)
"Remember: If it’s funny and relevant and important to you, it’s funny and relevant to other people. In fact the more you think it’s not relevant to other people, the more specific and interesting the idea probably is.
(this is relevant and important to ME!)
"Don’t stop at the first funny thing, the first funny thing is just the beginning of the joke not the end."
(i like that this was basically the last thing in your piece today)
thanks for sharing as always!
never the end!